Hello community,
To ensure you are receiving current newsletters and communication please contact:
- Sponsoring a Pilgrim (Walk) or Caterpillar (Flight)
Pilgrim Link: https://www.ncnec.org/applications/emmaus-application/
Caterpillar Link: https://www.ncnec.org/applications/chrysalis-application/
- Working a Walk or Flight
Emmaus or Chrysalis Link: https://www.ncnec.org/background-team-application/
- Preparing Agape to be distributed during events. This is a great service idea for Reunion Groups and Gatherings!
- Pay your Annual Suggested Donation of $25.00 While we have not been actively holding our events, we are still responsible and paying for ongoing expenses such as insurance but this donation helps cover the costs of the events and offer scholarships to those who otherwise could not afford to attend a Walk or Flight.
Link: https://www.ncnec.org/contribution/
If you prefer to mail a check, please make your check out to Emmaus, note ‘Contribution’ on the memo line, and mail it to the Community Treasurer, Rob Dunning, 715 New Valley Road, Colfax, CA 95713.
We look forward to serving with you once again.
De Colores and Fly with Christ!
Who We Are
- Emmaus/Chrysalis Vision Statement:
Fourth Day leaders embodying Christ. - Emmaus: The Walk to Emmaus is a spiritual renewal program intended to strengthen the local church through the development of Christian disciples and leaders.
- Chrysalis: Chrysalis supports the Church’s efforts to guide the spiritual information of Christian young people through a course in the essentials of Christian faith and practice that is both educational and experiential.
Looking for Resources?
Emmaus literature resources are on upperroom.org. Click on Community, then Emmaus. Then click on Resources which will get you to the picture of a woman with the title Community Support Structure. If you look below that picture, you’ll see two links, one for “Emmaus-Chrysalis Public Use Products,” and right below it, one for “Products for Communities.”