Prayer Vigils

Attention All Prayer Warriors—

Sign up to be part of the 72-Hour

Walk & Flight Prayer Vigil!

Each Walk and Flight requires 72 volunteers to fill the
72 one-hour slots on the Prayer Wheel (Emmaus) or Prayer
roll (Chrysalis).

You are asked to pray for the Pilgrims or Candidates plus the Teams and the Sponsors.  This is a wonderful gift of Agape that you perform in your home, your office, the car—anywhere you can be in communion with God.  Remember how important the gift of prayer was for you?  Pass it on!

Sign-up are now Automated on the Web!

Click Here to visit the Wheel/Scroll Signup Page

Select the Walk or Flight day for a list of open slots, then click Sign Up on an open slot.  Fill out the requested information and you are done.  Soon you will receive a confirming e-mail, and a reminder a few days before your scheduled time slot!

Questions?  Comments?  Contact the Prayer Vigil Coordinator, Curtis Mook at,

Emmaus:, or

De Colores! and Fly With Christ!